Pastor Snirly Simpson and Wife Lady Deborah Simpson

Pastor Snirly Simpson and Wife Lady Deborah Simpson

Reverend Snirly F. Simpson, Sr – A Pastor who believes the great cry of every believer ought to be “Reaching the Lost At All Cost”. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matthew 16:26) For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting live. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. (John 3:16-17) Reverend Simpson has served as the pastor of Mount Ridge Missionary Baptist Church in Chicago since 1975.

He is the second pastor to serve this celebrated, traditional Baptist Church, which he counts as one of the greatest privileges and blessings of his life. Reverend Simpson proudly stands as one of God’s solid, uncompromising pastor/preacher/teachers in a time when many adhere to voices to conform and compromise the gospel for the sake of finance and numbers. He is doctrinally and biblically sound in his preaching and teaching; believing that God does not bow to the whims and passing fantasies of fickle men who teach that any and everything is acceptable to God. Although he holds no advanced degrees, he is known among his colleagues as a man of great wisdom, love and compassion in leading God’s people. Many young pastors who revere him for his pastoral longevity, his tenacity in ministry, his humility, and his wise counsel, affectionately refer to him as “the godfather”. Reverend Simpson has spent over 45 years building the Body of Christ at Mount Ridge Missionary Baptist Church through preaching, teaching and training. He has the heart of a shepherd; he loves the people of God. He exhibits a passion for evangelism, Christian education, home and foreign missions; he is compassionate and believes no one is beyond God’s reach. He also believes that the House of Worship ought to reflect the splendor and beauty of the God we serve and has oversaw extensive renovation of the church building and sanctuary. In addition, to his Pastorate role at Mount Ridge Missionary Baptist Church, Reverend Simpson has provided leadership in a number of other capacities: Treasurer of the Evangelical Board of the National Baptist Convention of America, Inc. (11 years), a member of the Evangelism Board of the Illinois National Baptist State Convention, 3rd Vice President of the Illinois National Baptist State Convention, and Moderator of the Friendship Baptist District Association (6 years). Reverend Simpson currently serves as Chairman of the Evangelical Board of the National Baptist Convention of America International, 1st Vice President of the Illinois National Baptist State Convention, and Treasurer of Christian Unity Baptist District Association (CUBDA). Reverend Simpson was born in Sunflower County, Mississippi, the oldest of 12 children, born to E.W. and Verna Ruth Simpson. He is the husband to Deborah Ann (Johnson) Simpson for over 25 years. They are proud parents of a blended family of six sons, four daughters, grand and great grandchildren.